| JCPA E-UPDATE September 27, 2019 | | | | | | TOP OF THE AGENDA Shana Tova! On Rosh Hashanah, we at JCPA start the New Year by recommitting ourselves to the important work that is every bit as relevant today as it was when we were founded 75 years ago. These are critical times for the Jewish community. Antisemitism, bigotry and intolerance flourish in this polarized political environment and JCPA is on the front lines of the fight to ensure the security and well-being of the Jewish community. We cannot do this work without you. Please consider making a generous donation to JCPA at this time of renewal. Shanah Tovah. May this be a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year for us all. Click here to read our Rosh Hashana letter and donate today! | | | | | | | Reflections and Press Coverage on JCPA Arizona-Mexico Border Trip — In September, JCPA organized a fact-finding trip to the Arizona-Mexico border that included 23 people representing 12 states and Washington, D.C. After witnessing the situation firsthand and learning from advocates, government officials, and others, participants returned home equipped to take action locally and nationally as leaders in their communities alongside JCPA. Click here to read JCPA's media advisory. | | | | | | Read Watch and Listen New York Criminal Justice Conference Recap — On September 15, JCPA, in partnership with UJA-Federation of New York and JCRC NY, held a one-day conference for New Yorkers on Criminal Justice Reform: A Jewish Call to Action, cosponsored by 35 local New York Jewish organizations. As part of this initiative, JCPA brought together 225 participants, including experts, advocates, and government officials, with the aim of building a Jewish coalition in the wake of the conference. Click here for the full recap of the conference! | | | |  | Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY-8) Keynote Address | | |  | Topeka K. Sam, The Ladies of Hope Ministries Keynote Address | | | | | House Passes BURMA Act with Overwhelming Bipartisan Support — On Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted to help end genocide and other human rights atrocities in Burma by passing the BURMA Act, which JCPA endorsed and advocated for as part of the Jewish Rohingya Justice Network. This bill would sanction top Burmese military officials, authorize humanitarian assistance for hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees, and support accountability mechanisms for the many persecuted ethnic and religious minorities in Burma. JCPA urges the Senate to immediately pass this critical legislation. Click here for more information from American Jewish World Service. Muslim Travel Ban Gets First Hearing in Congress — On Tuesday, the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees held a joint hearing on the Muslim travel ban, nearly two years after its enactment. Ahead of the historic hearing, JCPA joined over 400 other groups in endorsing the NO BAN Act (S. 1123/H.R. 2214), which would end the discriminatory Muslim travel bans, amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, and limit Presidential authority to enact similar bans in the future. | | LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT JCPA Welcomes the 2019-2020 Frank Fellows Cohort — JCPA is pleased to announce our sixth cohort of fellows of the prestigious JCPA Frank Family Leadership Institute for Emerging Leaders. The JCPA Fellowship is a unique mentoring opportunity for emerging leaders in the community relations field who want to be active in the areas of public policy, public affairs, and intergroup/interfaith relations at both the local and national levels. Click here to see the new fellows. | | WEBINARS Tune into Our Upcoming CRCasts! Watch LIVE or on our YouTube channel at your convenience. | | | | | |  | Michael G. Masters National Director and CEO Secure Community Network | | | Creating a Culture of Security in the Jewish community October 3 at 1 PM EDT What are the current security challenges facing the American Jewish community? What is SCN’s role in addressing them? How can local Jewish communities create a culture of security? What is the role of JCRCs and Jewish advocacy organizations? | | | | |  | Amanda Berman Founder and Executive Director Zioness Movement | | | What is the Role of Progressive Zionists in the Social Issues of Our Time? October 7 at 1 PM EDT Zioness was recently launched to ensure that women who openly support Israel are welcome in progressive movements. Should support for Israel and Zionism be part of domestic issue-based advocacy? What are the challenges and opportunities of this approach? What gains have been made? How does this resonate with younger women? | | | | | |  | Bari Weiss Opinion Writer and Editor New York Times | | | How to Fight Antisemitism How does Antisemitism manifest itself on both sides of the political spectrum? How serious a threat is each form? What are the best strategies for countering them? | | | | |  | Tye Gregory Executive Director A Wider Bridge | | | LGBTQ Equality in Israel and for Israel Israel has the most progressive laws in the Middle East protecting the LGBTQ community. What is the Jewish community’s role in advancing understanding of Israel’s record of LGBTQ rights? What efforts are being made at home and in Israel to continue to make strides on this front? | | | | | SAVE THE DATE: NATIONAL CONVENINGS November 3, 2019 – Celebrate JCPA’s 75th Anniversary in New York February 9-11, 2020 – JCPA2020 National Conference in Washington, D.C. | | | | | | Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, advocates for a just and pluralistic America, Israel's quest for peace and security, and global human rights. | | | | | | | | |