| JCPA E-UPDATE September 9, 2019 | | | | | | TOP OF THE AGENDA JCPA Heads to the US-Mexico Border — From September 8-11, JCPA is leading a 23-person delegation of board members and high-level Jewish communal leaders from around the nation on a three-day, fact-finding trip to the Arizona-Mexico border to examine U.S. policies and conditions facing migrants and asylum seekers. The aim is for participants to better understand the situation at the border in order to more effectively advocate for sound immigration policies. The JCPA trip includes 23 people representing 12 states and Washington, D.C. Click here to read the media advisory. #JCPABorderMission | | | | | | | August Recess Advocacy on Gun Violence Prevention – In response to the ongoing horrific shootings of innocent people around the country, JCPA launched a Task Force, which is implementing an advocacy campaign aimed at mobilizing the JCRC network around ending gun violence, hate, and intolerance. As a first step in this campaign, JCPA and JCRCs urged their Senators to pass legislation expanding background checks and renewing the assault weapons and high-capacity magazine ban. | | | | JCPA and JCRC Criminal Justice Convenings Around the Country — Several JCRCs across the country are organizing criminal justice programs in Atlanta, Detroit, Phoenix, St. Louis, San Antonio, and New York. On September 15, JCPA, in partnership with UJA-Federation of New York and the JCRC NY, is holding a one-day conference for New Yorkers on Criminal Justice Reform: A Jewish Call to Action. More than 35 local New York Jewish organizations have signed on as cosponsors. Speakers include experts, advocates, and government officials. 167 Jewish Organizations Urge U.S. to Meet Refugee Goal — JCPA and JCRCs joined with 166 national, state, and local Jewish organizations, including many JCRCs, in urging the United States to meet the refugee resettlement admissions goal of 30,000 for fiscal year 2019 and to return to historic norms next year. JCPA is gravely concerned about reports that the Administration is considering resettling zero refugees in the United States in FY2020. Click here to read the letter and review the full list of signers. | | | | LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Registration Open for JCPA’s Israel Mission (December 8-13) — JCPA's Leadership Mission to Israel is an excellent opportunity for professionals, lay leaders, and those interested in exploring current events from a community relations perspective. High-level meetings with government and civil society leaders provide attendees with firsthand knowledge about Israel's efforts to pursue peace, pluralism, democracy, and the security of its people. Registration ends September 22. For more information and to register click here. | | JCPA Organizes JPRO Conference Track on Civil Discourse — More than 550 Jewish professional attended the JPRO Conference in Detroit from August 12-14. The Conference brought Jewish communal professionals together for education, networking, and skills training. JCPA was honored to organize the Civil Discourse Track, presenting at two workshops on civil discourse and coalition building. Panelists included Melanie Roth Gorelick (JCPA), Doug Kahn (JCPA), Andrew Hanauer (One America Movement), and David Kurzman (JCRC Detroit). JCPA also convened participating JCRCs and attended a lunch hosted by the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable. | | WEBINARS Tune into Our Upcoming CRCasts! Watch it LIVE or on our YouTube channel at your convenience. | | | |  | Tye Gregory Executive Director A Wider Bridge | | | LGBTQ Equality in Israel and for Israel September 18 at 1 PM EDT Israel has the most progressive laws in the Middle East protecting the LGBTQ community. What is the Jewish community’s role in advancing understanding of Israel’s record of LGBTQ rights? What efforts are being made at home and in Israel to continue to make strides on this front? | | | | |  | Yotam Polizer Co-Chief Executive IsraAID | | | IsraAID: How Israel Supports People Affected by Humanitarian Crises September 25 at 1 PM EDT How has IsraAID intervened during humanitarian crises in other countries? How has this work raised goodwill and relationships with those it helps? What role can the American Jewish community play in amplifying Israel’s humanitarian work in the world? | | | | | SAVE THE DATE: NATIONAL CONVENINGS November 3, 2019 – Celebrate JCPA’s 75th Anniversary in New York November 4, 2019 – JCPA Delegates Assembly Meeting in New York February 8-11, 2020 – JCPA2020 National Conference in Washington, D.C. | | | | | | Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, advocates for a just and pluralistic America, Israel's quest for peace and security, and global human rights. | | | | | | | | |