| JCPA E-UPDATE June 14, 2019 | | | | | | TOP OF THE AGENDA JCPA Welcomes Michael Fromm As the New Board Chair - Michael Fromm has been elected Board Chair for the term June 2019–June 2021. Fromm, who will serve as the 28th leader of JCPA since its founding in 1944, takes over as the organization seeks to expand its role as a vital resource to Jewish communities across the United States in forging alliances with other ethnic, cultural and religious groups. Click here to read the full press release. | | | | | | “I am honored to have the confidence of the board and JCPA’s numerous stakeholders as we move this great organization into a new era. My aim is to work with lay leaders and staff to strengthen the capacity of the community relations network nationally so it can ably address not only the issues we face today, but also those we can anticipate as the political and social climates become more challenging.” Michael Fromm, JCPA Board Chair | | | | JCPA Announces New Board of Directors — JCPA also welcomes a new Board of Directors that will serve from June 2019-May 2020.  | | ACT NOW Join JCPA for a Week of Action on Voting Rights (June 24-30) — June 25, 2019, marks six years since the Shelby County v. Holder decision, which gutted the Voting Rights Act, subjecting millions of voters to discrimination and disenfranchisement. JCPA is joining the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights coalition in a week of action from June 24-30 to urge Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act. We encourage you to join us in organizing, communications, and lobbying activities to amplify our voices. Click here for a toolkit with partnership opportunities and resources to use for planning your own Shelby Week actions. | | Get Ready for World Refugee Day 2019 (June 20) — Take action to protect refugees and restore the U.S. resettlement program. Use this comprehensive Refugee Council USA World Refugee Day 2019 Toolkit that contains sample media content, national call-in alert calling on Congress to repeal the Muslim travel ban and increase refugee admissions, talking points, and more resources. Click here for the toolkit. | | | | | | | JCPA Endorses the Women's Health Protection Act (H.R. 2975/S. 1645) — JCPA is deeply concerned about the growing effort to overturn Roe v. Wade and limit women’s reproductive health care access, with states around the nation taking up extreme anti-abortion bills. The Women’s Health Protection Act would guarantee providers an affirmative statutory right to deliver care free from medically unnecessary restrictions. Click here for the National Council of Jewish Women's backgrounder on the bill. | | JCPA Urges Congress to Lift the Ban on Pell Grants for Incarcerated Students - JCPA and 51 other faith-based organizations sent a letter urging Congress support the inclusion of the REAL Act, which would lift the ban on Pell Grants for incarcerated students, in the Higher Education Reauthorization Act. Studies have shown that recidivism rates drop significantly for people who earn a post-secondary degree and can help formerly incarcerated individuals overcome obstacles, prepare for the workforce, and successfully reintegrate into society. Lifting the ban would also save $365 million per year through reduced incarceration. Read the full letter here. | | | | | | | LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES JCPA’s Israel Mission (December 8-13) — JCPA's Leadership Mission to Israel provides attendees with firsthand knowledge about Israel’s efforts to pursue peace, pluralism, democracy, and the security of its people. This experience equips community relations leaders to be effective and nuanced advocates for Israel when they return home. To register or for more information, please visit jewishpublicaffairs.org. | | WEBINARS The Future of Israeli-Palestinian Relations June 17 at 2:30 PM EDT The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues unabated. What are some of the key issues at stake? How might the pending Israeli elections and the unveiling of the peace plan alter the dynamic? Join us for the second in our series on the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations. | | | |  | Haviv Gur Israeli Journalist and Political Correspondent The Times of Israel | | |  | Linda Scherzer Community Relations Committee Director Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ/Former CNN Jerusalem Correspondent | | | | | Tune into Our CRCast: Jewish Federations Then and Now July 17 at 1 PM EDT Jerry Silverman has served as the professional head of the Jewish Federation movement for ten years and is stepping down later this summer. How have Jewish Federations evolved in the past decade? What direction are they going? Where does Jewish advocacy and community relations fit in? | |  | | | | | | | | Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, advocates for a just and pluralistic America, Israel's quest for peace and security, and global human rights. | | | | | | | | |