| | TOP OF THE AGENDA JCPA’s Four-Year Review (2016-2020) — JCPA’s Annual Reports provide substantive information about JCPA’s impact and accomplishments during each program year. Each report gives an overview of JCPA’s work on the JCRC Network, policy priorities, criminal justice reform, Israel advocacy, webinar programs, and other special initiatives. The annual report for 2019-2020 is coming soon. Click on the images below to read the full reports. | | | | | | | Highlights of JCPA’s Impact — Over the last four years, JCPA has worked tirelessly to meet the challenges of the day. JCPA strengthened its local-national network and helped shape it into vibrant, dynamic and impactful force in the community. JCPA also increased its national advocacy on domestic policy concerns and built trusted relationships in common cause with diverse communities. We demonstrated that when our community comes together, we can make an impact. To read JCPA’s report on highlights of our impact, click here. | | | | POLICY AND ADVOCACY 2020 Elections | | JCPA's Statement on Elections and Democratic Principles — Ahead of the election, JCPA released a statement calling upon all government leaders, candidates, and election officials—both Democrats and Republicans– at every level and branch of government to recommit core democratic principles and oppose violence. To read the statement, click here. | | | | | | JCPA and the Jewish Community Relations Network Speak Out for Free and Fair Elections — JCPA spearheaded “A Jewish Statement on Elections and Democratic Principles,” signed by the community relations network—more than 90 Jewish organizations, including 15 national member agencies and 76 local Jewish community relations councils and Federations. To read the statement, click here. | | | | JCPA Congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris on Winning the 2020 Presidential Election — During this election, an unprecedented number of Americans, among them many American Jews, cast their vote and participated in our democratic process. We also celebrate this historic moment as the first woman and woman of color has been elected Vice President. We thank the many dedicated election officials, Republicans and Democrats, who ensured accessible, free and fair elections. To read the statement, click here. | | JCPA's Public Campaign Pressures Facebook to Holocaust Denial — “We are pleased that Facebook heard the Jewish community outcry on Holocaust denial and hate, and after numerous discussions, took this very important step,” stated David Bernstein, President and CEO of JCPA. JCPA conducted a public campaign in August, enlisting 90 JCRCs and Jewish national organizations, urging Facebook to ban hate, antisemitism and Holocaust denial. JCPA also participated in numerous meetings with Facebook and coordinated Jewish organizations on the issue. Click here to read the statement. | | | | Criminal Justice Reform JCPA works on criminal justice reform with national and local coalitions across the country. See below for upcoming programs. | | | | Join Reimagining Criminal Justice in New York City Today Webinar Series — Join the Jewish Coalition on Criminal Justice Reform, which JCPA launched, on Wednesday, December 9 at 7 PM for the next webinar in its educational series. This webinar, Impacted People Speak, features panelists Evie Litwok of Witness to Mass Incarceration, Johnny Perez of National Religious Campaign Against Torture, and Akeem Browder of Shut Down Rikers and The Kalief Browder Foundation, with moderator Rabbi Shais Rishon of Kehilat Ir Chadash. Register here! | | | | | JCPA NEWS These times require Jewish unity to work toward our vision of a just and pluralistic America. Join us for a wonderful event to learn more about the community relations network and its national network hub, JCPA. Click here to register. | |  | | | | | | | | Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, advocates for a just and pluralistic America, Israel's quest for peace and security, and global human rights. | | | | | | | | |